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Milk Donation
Resources for breastmilk donation

UKAMB is a registered charity that supports human milk banking in the UK and was set up in 1997. Our motto is ‘Every Drop Counts’ and we believe that the provision of safe and screened donor breastmilk makes an important contribution to the care of the premature and sick infants who receive it. Our goal is to ensure access to donor milk to every child who would benefit from its use.

The Southwest Neonatal Network Donor Milk Bank was established in November 2011 at Southmead Hospital in Bristol. We are one of 15 UK milk banks and the only one in the South West.

Our aim is to provide safe, screened donor breast milk for all babies who need it within the South West Neonatal Network. 

Healthy Babies UK have a depot donor milk bank in Tiverton.  This will give South West parents, hospitals and couriers greater options and access to donor milk.

Human Milk Donation: Love fits in small pots.

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